Thursday, January 1, 2015

Starting off the New Year with a 30 Day Drawing Challenge.

I'm starting off a 30 Day Drawing Challenge in order to keep my claws sharp.

My goal, and means of keeping me on track with this challenge is to have my drawing for the day posted before midnight the day of the challenge.
This is my drawing for the day.

I'm not particularly thrilled with the result, and at the end I felt like I was rushing for the sake of having the drawing complete rather than completing it for the satisfaction thereof. I'm sure I could have done much better, and in time I may revisit this.

EDIT: I am doing this challenge in tandem with a friend, and I was going off of the one she had picked. She had originally proposed the idea, and selected a challenge which was not as intimidating to other friends of hers who are non-artist types. I have amended this entry to reflect the format of the 30 Day Drawing Challenge.

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